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Revista de microbiología industrial y alimentaria

Volumen 2, Asunto 1 (2016)

Artículo de investigación

Optimization of Ingredients for Development of Low-Fat Biscuits Using Response Surface Methodology

Chugh B, Singh G and Kumbhar BK

The objective of this study was to optimize the ingredients and develop low fat biscuits containing protein-based fat replacer (Simplesse). Response surface methodology and analysis of variance were the statistical techniques to analyze the experimental results. Changes in physical, textural and sensory qualities due to change in the ingredient level were studied. Results showed that increasing the level of fat replacer in the formulation increased the hardness and brittleness of low fat biscuit but resulting in products with better textural characteristics in comparison to their no fat replacer counterparts. Sugar and ammonium bicarbonate had a significant effect on the spread ratio of biscuits whereas water level significantly affected the Optimum level of ingredients generated from the models was sugar 29.88 g, fat 19.25 g, Simplesse 15.75 g, ammonium bicarbonate 2.26 g and water 21.5 ml. The fat replacement in the optimized low fat biscuit was found to be 44%. Moreover during 3 months of storage, low fat biscuit was found more oxidative stable due to their less increase in free fatty acid value and peroxide value and was found more acceptable than control biscuit.

Artículo de investigación

Isolation and Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Minced Meat, Frozen Chicken and Cheese in Duhok Province, Kurdistan Region by using RT-PCR

Ahmed SS, Tayeb BA, Ameen AM, Merza SM and Sharif YHM

Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is the food borne pathogen responsible for listeriosis, which is considered a serious public health risk and are the most important pathogens which can be spread through food products consumption. The disease that can be serious and fatal to human and animals. The objective of present study was carried out to detect, isolate and identify L-monocytogenes from frozen chicken, minced meat and cheese in duhok province. Within a period of six months from march to October 2015, a total of 150 samples were collected including 50 samples of minced meet, 50 samples of frozen chickens and 50 samples of cheese. Biochemical and microbiological test with Real time PCR technique by using specific primer was performed to determine the prevalence of the L-monocytogenes in the samples. Detection of such bacteria in different kinds of food product is crucial to safeguard public health due to it is potential hazard in human and animals. Out of 150 samples 20 samples displayed garish and black colonies with black halos on Oxford and Palcam agar. From the total of 20 suspected Listeria 12 isolate of L. monocytogenes identified by PCR. L. Monocytogenes were detected in 1(2%), 7(14%), and 4(8%) isolates from cheese, minced meat and frozen chicken respectively. The PCR technique has demonstrated to be a rapid and reliable method appropriate for the routine analysis of different types of food.

Artículo de investigación

Identification and Virulence of Enterobacter sakazakii

Rajani CSR, Chaudhary A, Swarna A and Puniya AK

Enterobacter sakazakii (formerly known as Cronobacter sakazakii) is an opportunistic pathogen that causes necrotizing enterocolitis, bacteremia and meningitis, especially in neonates. This study was an attempt to isolate E. sakazakii from different food and environmental sources so as to establish its presence and possible source of transmission. For this, 93 samples (i.e., 37 from dairy and 56 from non-dairy) were collected using standard procedures of sampling. Out of these samples, 45 isolates (i.e., 14 from dairy and 31 from other samples) were taken further on the basis of growth on tryptic soy agar. On further screening on the basis of Gram staining, catalase and oxidase test, only 27 isolates were observed to be positive. The positive isolates were also subjected to PCR based identification using species specific primers. Overall, 11 isolates confirmed as E. sakazakii were also tested for virulent characteristics (i.e., hemolytic activity, haemagglutination test and DNase production) and all the isolates were found to be positive showing a potential threat of infection through food commodities.

Artículo de investigación

Proximate Analysis and Microbial Quality of Ready-To-Eat (RTE) Fried Chicken Parts

Osakue OP, Igene JO, Ebabhamiegbebho PA and Evivie SE

Fried chicken samples were sourced from two vending sites (from street vendors and fast food centers) in Ikpoba Okha, Oredo and Egor LG as in Benin City. Bacteria growth was observed using Nutrient Agar, the presence of E.coli was detected using Eosine Methylene Blue and Fungi growth was observed by using Potato Dextrose Agar. Proximate composition for the fried chicken samples indicated that the mean value for Moisture content ranged from 55.67 - 59.15%, Crude protein 26.62 - 30.52%, Crude fat 7.87 - 8.72%, Ash 3.06 - 3.88% and Nitrogen free extract 0.10 - 2.50%. The results obtained indicated that the mean values of bacteria count ranged from 4.67 × 106 to 1.2 × 107 cfu/g. The sample from the eatery in Oredo had the highest bacterial count of 1.2 × 107 cfu/g. Thirteen genera of bacteria and seven genera of fungi were isolated. Total fungal counts ranged from 4.70 × 105 to 2.615 × 106 cfu/g. The fried chicken from the street in Ikpoba Okha recorded the highest count with2.615× 106 cfu/g. The fried chicken samples from the eateries had no E.coli and other serious food-borne pathogens; such as Klebsiella sp, Enterobacter sp. The aerobic colony counts of bacteria and fungi were higher thanInternational Food Standards (<105 cfu/g), notwithstand the absence of food-borne microbial pathogens such as E.coli and other serious food-borne pathogens from the eateries and therefore, the products as observed would appear unsafe for human consumption. The isolation and enumeration of bacteria and fungi isolates were also observed. The significance of isolated bacteria and fungi in the fried chicken samples, possible sources of contamination and some recommendations to improve the quality of fried chicken sold in these vending sites were discussed.

Artículo de investigación

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Orthopaedic Patients in Abuth, Zaria

Onaolapo JA, Olayinka BO, Adeshina GO, Igwe JC and Obajuluwa AF

As Staphylococcus aureus remain the predominant microbial flora of the human respiratory tract and skin; it also account for the most human integumental infections and life-threatening systemic diseases especially in orthopaedic surgical site infections (SSIs). This study evaluates the antibiotics susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from orthopaedic patients to various antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of surgical sites infection in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria, Nigeria. A total of 100 clinical swab samples of surgical sites were collected from orthopaedic patients in ABUTH, Zaria, Nigeria out of which 39 were identified as Staphylococcus aureus using API STAPH identification kit. Disc agar diffusion method was used for the antibiotics susceptibility test while nitrocefin microplate assay was used to test for beta lactamase production. Our findings showed that 97.4% of the isolates were susceptible to both vancomycin and gentamicin followed by ciprofloxacin (94.9%) and pefloxacin (84.6%). The isolates were highly resistant to ampicilin (94.9%), ceftriaxone (79.5%), cefoxitin (64.1%) and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (59%) which is beta-lactam antibiotics. Further evaluation showed that 64% of the isolates produced beta-lactamase, while 36% do not. We conclude that the Staphylococcus aureus isolates from orthopaedic patients in ABUTH, Zaria were highly resistant to beta lactam antibiotics used in this study.

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