
Epidemiology and risk factors for exocrine pancreatic cancer in a Northern African population


Feriel Sellam, Noria Harir, Méghit B Khaled, Nesrine M Mrabent, Rachida Salah and Mustapha Diaf

Background: The etiology of carcinoma remains largely unknown. Although epidemiological studies have reported that a lot of environmental factors may contribute to the event of carcinoma, only age and cigarette smoking are established as consistent risk factors for the disease. Objective: Studying the biological clinical and histological features of patients with carcinoma so as to assess the possible risk factors for carcinoma in a very geographical area population. Methods: An epidemiological retrospective descriptive study has been performed at the extent of surgery department of the University Hospital of Sidi bel Abbes region, western Algeria, from 2007 to 2013. Results: a complete of 87 patients were diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas (55 males and 32 females) with a mean age of 63.1 years, starting from 16 to 96 years old, and a sex ratio of 1.71. In 92% of cases, pancreatic tumors were located at the pinnacle of the pancreas; the foremost predominant histological type was the adenocarcinoma; cigarette smokers represented the speed of 24.3% and alcoholics 13.5%. the foremost recorded disease among patients case history was DM (25.28%). About 35.63% was the prominent rate of patients who underwent cholecystectomy and was diagnosed with carcinoma after a mean duration of 5.23 years. Our patients were mostly diagnosed with cancer at M1 and T3 stages. Conclusion: in step with our results, cholecystectomy could possibly be a risk factor for carcinoma in Algerian population. In the last decade, a trend towards a rise of carcinoma incidence and mortality rates was observed irrespective of the gender. Analysis of statistic data reported by SEER 13 demonstrated that between years 2000 and 2014, there's an age-specific trend towards a rise in carcinoma incidence in two particularly group of ages, 20 - 29 years old and > 80 years within the USA.

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