
End-Stage Renal Patient Treated by ECMO and SLED in Legionnaires’ Disease


Cristina Dias Cândido*,Nuno André Sousa,Ana Martins,Borja Moya,Philip Fortuna,Luís Bento

Legionnaires’ disease is an important cause of community-acquired pneumonia. Although uncommon, disease outbreaks of public health significance still happen nowadays. Several outbreaks have been occurred in various European countries but the most recent one occurred in Portugal. It was one of the largest of the world and began in November 2014 in Lisbon. We know that mortality might be higher in people who have pre-existing medical conditions. The chronic kidney disease population is predisposed to adverse infectious events but it’s not considered up to this moment a main risk factor or of bad prognostic to the Legionella infection. The authors present a case report of a sporadic smoker young patient with chronic kidney disease who had a catastrophic presentation of Legionella Pneumophila infection requiring simultaneous use of two extracorporeal techniques.

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