Ahmet Gokhan Yazici and Kadri Yildiz
Aim: This study aims that searching whether hemispheric differences do any effects into dynamical-statical balance levels and anthropometric features or not on the spotters who had active sport-life.
Methods: 98 spotters who have done exercise at least 6 days and 2 hours each day have been included in the search. Anthropometric features were measured of study group. Dynamical-statical balance levels were measured by using KAT 2000 (OEM Medical, Carlsbad, California, USA) balance system. Evaluated databases were analyzed using by SPSS 20 for Windows. P significance was taken as 0.01 and 0.05.
Results: There were no statistical significant difference between right-handed, left-handed or two-handed active sporters and dynamical-statical balance and anthropometric features on all sportsmen/women (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Two-handed sporters had more advantages as to handedness. Tiredness does not affected by side-using handed. Fatigue does affect statical balance. There are no significant differences between right-handed and left-handed according to balance.
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