
Revista de diagnóstico y biomarcadores moleculares

New Genetic Approach in Early Detection of Cancer


Rafal Al-Rawi

Cancer is a major health problem all over the world, the main obstacle facing cancer prevention is a lack of precise approach for early detection and prevention strategies of the disease. All previous works on cancer dealt with only infected patients. New technique under accurate statistical experimental design must be developed in order to early diagnose of the disease. This will be done through molecular characterization of genomic DNA of thousands of cancer infected as well as healthy people living in high and low risk environmental conditions. Genetic variations (differences) for resistant/tolerant versus susceptible individuals to cancer incidence exist within communities and various regions. The result of such molecular genetic variations will play role in answering the questions of why do the majority of people living in high environmental risk area never get cancer? And why do some people living in low environmental risk area get cancer? Previous studies reported that the current theory dealing with cancer cause is that long periods of exposure to environmental risk factors (carcinogenic, pollutants, smoke, chemical and others) have had a major effect in modifying the constitution of the genome (gene) through mitosis mutation. Contrary to that, the current article hypothesizes that cancer occur as a result of presence of sensitive gene(s) that inherited by infected individuals coupled and interacted with environmental causes. So it is a vital issue to investigate the relation between resistant versus susceptible individuals to cancer incidence and their molecular characterizations (genetic make-up) to identify the molecular genetic differences (genes or alleles, that are associated with resistance or susceptibility to cancer), as molecular genetic markers to be used as early detection of individuals susceptible to cancer.

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