
Revista de comunicación de masas y periodismo

Volumen 7, Asunto 5 (2017)

Artículo de investigación

Information Acquisition and Social Media: An Analysis of Pakistani University Students

Iffat Ali A

As social media becomes increasingly ubiquitous, organizations are looking for the best way to use these new communication tools. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter present numerous opportunities to organizations for sharing information, engaging with the public, and monitoring discussion. The current study aimed to explore the use of social media for news acquisition which come under cognitive needs. A survey was conducted involving Pakistani university students by indicating their qualification, gender, area, usage patterns, time spent and their information seeking interests. The need for information was divided into hard and soft news and the results indicated youth heavier users of social media for information regarding current issues particularly local news. The social media is used for information regarding hard news and soft news both and findings highlighted trends for using social media for information acquisition. The news values for social media are also pivotal, majority of respondents showed their concerned for local news i-e proximity. The other factor which accelerates frequency of usage is information during crisis situation. The News about calamity and relief work was searched more on social media as latest updates and instant feedback were available there. In social media, Facebook is mostly used social networking site. The demographics such as background, qualification, gender and area were also found influential factors for using social media for news.

Artículo de revisión

Intelligence or Counter Intelligence? Cognitive and Behavioral Implications of Mediated Cyborg Images on Children

Indira Srinivasan M

“Human mind contained the ‘indelible stamp of his lowly origin’ Human could differ from animals only by their ability to control these passions to suppress the beast within”- Charles Darwin, The Decent of man, 1871. Neurological system plays a significant role in establishing the human as intelligent beings on the earth, distinguishing it from its predecessor. With its well built communication network and mechanism and, nervous system prepare the body and mind to react to any occasion through reciprocate actions. There is a well-built communication network system internally that facilitates communication among the innumerable cells so that the internal body organs function properly. What if when artificial intelligence in the name of cyberog is here to think, deliberate and act on our behalf and where are we heading to? How is it going to affect our abilities like thinking, reasoning, and being analytical? What happens to the socially constructed systems and agencies like families, schools, organizations and institutions that groom and shape individuals from birth to death? What might happen to the cultural diversity of this universe rooted deeply in language, gender, race, ethnicity, place of origin, physical and biological features and capabilities at large are vague, wild questions posed in dark. Cyber technologies are to stay with us. Their omnipotent and ubiquitous presence reached a stage that the humanity started cohabitating with them. They are part of daily life, as human are employing them at every level. Children as young as two or three are absorbed in operating smart phones, spell bounded by the colorful moving images, sounds, music and mobile games. Computer-mediated education has long ago replaced the face to face interaction, limiting the teacher to a facilitating role, as if human are lacking physically, emotionally and intellectually (Voithofer, R.J.,). Meticulous updating of technology is constantly forcing the man to adapt to it, involving huge politics of economy. Socially, you are not fit without having adapted to the latest technology. The present study would like to deconstruct the politics of economy and polity, while unearthing the sociocultural, physiological and psychological impact of Cyborg technologies among children using the secondary data. By reviewing the existing literature in this aspect the study would like to assess the cognitive and behavioral implications of mediated cyborg on children.

Artículo de investigación

Touch Revisited: Observations and Methodological Recommendations

Mark Hickson

The authors studied the original source of a study undertaken decades earlier to determine its accuracy as well as the reporting of the study in textbooks. They found that the study had been exaggerated significantly. They revisited the touch study known as the “coffee house” study originally undertaken by Sidney Jourard. The present authors studied cafes in four different states with quite different results from Jourard.

Artículo de investigación

Television Advertisements Motivating Western lifestyle on 'College Youth'

Kavitha V

Television advertisements being announcers have their own appeal in gaining the young audience attention. Western world has its significant influence in India in the avenues of fashion, trend, consuming products and on the wholesome lifestyle. While television advertisements promote the sales of products and services, western product advertisements give the audience an idea of ‘how much’ the usual living can be westernized. College students take keen notice of trend and fashion; they constantly try to be updated. This study was to find out ‘to what extent’ television advertisements motivate western lifestyle among college youth. Accordingly, Quantitative Survey method was adopted for the study. The universe of research was college students from three different cities Nagercoil, Tirunelveli and Madurai of age group ‘17 to 23’. The size of the sample was 600; and Non-probabilistic sampling method was employed. The ‘instrument’ for gathering data was a simplified and focused questionnaire containing thirty two questions. The summary outcome from the questionnaire portrayed that the result indicates ‘College youth gets influenced by television advertisements in adapting western lifestyle’. The study concludes Western product advertisements encourage the students to try new brands and shift to Western brands. Students buy Western products because of Prestige, Price, Peer pressure, Brand identity, Endorsement, Attractive ad, Organic, Reliable and Ideal. Students regret Lack of money for not buying a Western product. Being modern and westernized was admired by the college youths; thereby creating a psychological imprint reflecting in their outlook.

Artículo de investigación

Reliance of the Saudi Youth on Social Media as a Source of Information about Al-Hazem Storm

Amer Aldahmashi F

This study examines the Saudi reliance on social media as a source of information about the military operation known as Al-Hazem Storm. In addition, the study seeks to understand the factors that affect the reliance of young people on such media and their satisfaction when dealing with these networks during Al-Hazem Storm. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method and a questionnaire as instruments to cover the applied part of the study, which was constructed for the purposes of the study according to the well-known scientific steps as it was applied on a sample that consisted of (151 terms) used by young Saudis during the second academic semester (2016-2017). The study concluded that social media ranks on the top resources on which young Saudis rely when following Al-Hazem Storm and in terms of their satisfaction with the role of social media, the use of such sources having become a vital aspect of the life of the Saudi community.

Artículo de investigación

Purposive or Accidential! Why Polls Mislead the Public About the Next US President?

Fatma Elzahraa Elsayed

This study involves the controversial role that public opinion surveys played during the American presidential elections 2016 that has acquired exclamation marks due to the evident conflict between reports of mass media, particularly the private ones, that placed the democratic candidate, Clinton, ahead in the race while results comes directly the opposite. The study applied “Time for Change” approach and includes three sections; first, the methodology, questions, and objectives. Secondly, the theoretical part and mechanisms of the survey centers, reasons leading to failure in achieving sound results, and the political and economic effects of the newspapers’ agendas in guiding the survey results Thirdly, the last section demonstrates the findings that include: the major reasons that enabled Trump to overcoming the intentional mass media disregard and finally the reasons that made his winning an unexpected shock.

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