
Revista de Ciencias Biomédicas y Farmacéuticas

Volumen 5, Asunto 9 (2022)

Artículo de revisión

Potential Applications in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

Akako Kindo

Malignant growth comprises an extreme danger to human wellbeing and personal satisfaction and is one of the main sources of dismalness and mortality around the world. Normal dietary items definitely stand out enough to be noticed in disease treatment and avoidance because of their accessibility and nonattendance of harmfulness. Rosmarinic corrosive (RA) is known for its amazing cell reinforcement properties and is protected and viable in forestalling and hindering cancers. This audit sums up late distributions on culture methods, extraction cycles, and hostile to growth uses of RA-advanced dietary enhancements. We examine methods to further develop RA bioavailability and give an unthinking conversation of RA in regards to growth counteraction, treatment, and adjuvant treatment. RA shows anticancer action by directing oxidative pressure, constant irritation, cell cycle, apoptosis, and metastasis. This information proposes that day to day utilization of RA-improved dietary enhancements can add to growth anticipation and treatment. RA has the potential for application in enemy of cancer drug improvement.

Artículo de investigación

mRNA Purifications Process: Affinity Chromatography, Magnetic Beads and Graphene Coated Large Scale Production and Toxicological Aspects

Mauro Luisetto1, Edbey K, Nili B. Ahmadabadi, Tarro G, Mashori Gulam Rasool, Fiazza C, Yesvi A Rafa and Oleg yurevich Lathyshev

Aim of this work is to verify the state of the art related m RNA purification process, the technology used as well as the materials employed. New methods vs classic methods: the use of affinity chromatography or and high‐gradient magnetic separation (H.G.M.S.). In particular the use of magnetic beads since introduction of the graphene coated ones. Various producers provide much kind of magnetic beads with various grade of efficiency in separation. Because today there is a great debate around graphene derivate presence (or not) in vials of m RNA vaccine it is relevant to better clarify the production process as well and the materials used. This is of toxicological interest.

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