
Revista de Ciencias Biomédicas y Farmacéuticas

mRNA Purifications Process: Affinity Chromatography, Magnetic Beads and Graphene Coated Large Scale Production and Toxicological Aspects


Mauro Luisetto1, Edbey K, Nili B. Ahmadabadi, Tarro G, Mashori Gulam Rasool, Fiazza C, Yesvi A Rafa and Oleg yurevich Lathyshev

Aim of this work is to verify the state of the art related m RNA purification process, the technology used as well as the materials employed. New methods vs classic methods: the use of affinity chromatography or and high‐gradient magnetic separation (H.G.M.S.). In particular the use of magnetic beads since introduction of the graphene coated ones. Various producers provide much kind of magnetic beads with various grade of efficiency in separation. Because today there is a great debate around graphene derivate presence (or not) in vials of m RNA vaccine it is relevant to better clarify the production process as well and the materials used. This is of toxicological interest.

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