Flávio Rocha da Silva, Marli Brito M. de Albuquerque Navarro, Alexandre de Oliveira Saísse, Bernardo Elias, Correa Soares, Salvatore Giovanni De Simone.
This paper analyzes the impact of initiatives toward raising awareness, refreshing and training by organizing and conducting forums and training courses aimed at health care professionals and community leaders who work in some cities of Rio de Janeiro (extending that initiative to a city in Minas Gerais). It addresses the topic of “neglected and reemerging diseases”, which has been previously deemed of interest to interlocutors involved in that proposal, especially representatives of municipal health secretariats and civil associations of a communal nature.
It should be noted that thematic contents and methodological and pedagogical strategies value objective communication that is easy to understand, without compromising scientific quality. Another aim was to expand scientific information as support to amplify communication with the government in order to help develop public policies, which translate as healthcare actions targeting neglected diseases.
Our conclusion is that it is vital for healthcare professionals, community leaders and government representatives to take part in such events in order to discuss and develop collective proposals based on qualified information about the identified themes as local health priorities to minimize the impact and progress of those diseases.
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