Indranil Ghosh
Traditional statistical approaches for estimating the parameters of the Kumaraswamy distribution have dealt with precise information. However, in real world situations, some information about an underlying experimental process might be imprecise and might be represented in the form of fuzzy information. In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a univariate Kumaraswamy distribution with two parameters when the available observations are described by means of fuzzy information. We derive the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters by using Newton-Raphson as well as EM algorithm method. Furthermore, we provide an approximation namely, Tierney and Kadane’s approximation, to compute the Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters. The estimation procedures are discussed in details and compared via Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations in terms of their average biases and mean squared errors.
Sagar Vegad, Harsh Patel, Hanqi Zhuang and Mehul Naik
Protection of data integrity and person identity has been an active research area for many years. Among the techniques investigated, developing multi-modal recognition systems using audio and face signals for people authentication holds a promising future due to its ease of use. A challenge in developing such a multi-modal recognition system is to improve its reliability for a practical application. In this paper, an efficient audio-visual bimodal recognition system which uses Deep Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) as a primary model architecture. First, two separate Deep CNN models are trained with the help of audio and facial features, respectively. The outputs of these CNN models are then combined/fused to predict the identity of the subject. Implementation details with regard to data fusion are discussed in a great length in the paper. Through experimental verification, the proposed bimodal fusion approach is superior in accuracy performance when compared with any single modal recognition systems and with published results using the same data-set.
Mahdi-Salim Saib
The presence of spatial autocorrelation in the data can yield biased or inconsistent point estimates when Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model is used inappropriately. Therefore, in this paper we try to assess the fit of the model taking into account the autocorrelation in analyze of voting behavior in the 2007 French Presidential Elections and the 2010 French Regional Elections. We find that the voter turnout in the Il de France region is spatially structured and that the Simultaneous Auto-Regressive (SAR) model clearly improves the quality of adjustment compared with the OLS model for the both elections.
Adriana Pérez, Lung-Chang Chien, Melissa B Harrell, Keryn E Pasch, Udoka C Obinwa and Cheryl L Perry
Introduction: To identify the geospatial association between the presence of retail tobacco outlets (RTO) around school's neighborhoods, and current use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes among adolescents in four counties in Texas.
Methods: Students in grades 6, 8 and 10th were surveyed in their schools in 2014-2015. The schools’ addresses was geocoded to determine the presence of at least one RTO within half a mile of the school. Two outcomes were considered: past 30-day use of (a) cigarettes and (b) e-cigarettes. Bayesian structured additive regression models and Kriging methods were used to estimate the geospatial associations between the presence of RTO and use in three counties: Dallas/Tarrant, Harris, and Travis.
Results: We observed a geospatial association between the presence of RTO around the schools and current use of cigarettes in the eastern area of Dallas County and in the southeastern area of Harris County. Also, a geospatial association between the presence of RTO around the schools and current use of e-cigarettes was observed in the entire Tarrant County and in the northeastern area of Harris County.
Conclusions: There were geospatial associations between the presence of RTO around some schools and cigarette/e-cigarette use among students, but this association was not consistent across all the counties. More research is needed to determine why some areas are at higher risk for this association.
Clifford Qualls, Christopher C Witt, Nicholas R Wilson, Sebastián Restrepo Cruz, Emil Bautista y Otto Appenzeller
Los colibríes muestran una notable adaptación a la hipoxia a gran altitud, mientras que los humanos estamos imperfectamente adaptados a vivir en grandes altitudes.
Aquí comparamos los niveles de hemoglobina y el metabolismo derivados de los ritmos de crecimiento en colibríes y humanos. Para comparar los ritmos de crecimiento, analizamos los intervalos de crecimiento en las plumas de la cola de los colibríes y los tejidos en crecimiento de los humanos, como el cabello.
Encontramos que los niveles de hemoglobina fueron más altos en los colibríes (P<0,001) que en los humanos, pero la influencia de la altitud sobre la hemoglobina fue más pronunciada en los humanos (pendiente, más pronunciada a medida que aumenta la altitud, P<0,001), y los niveles de ambos taxones convergen en elevaciones extremas.
Los espectros de potencia de los intervalos de crecimiento en los tejidos en crecimiento que reflejan el metabolismo en ambas especies no fueron diferentes (relaciones de baja frecuencia/alta frecuencia (LF/HF) en las dos especies) P>0,22 NS.
En una comparación entre especies de colibríes, no encontramos evidencia de que las demandas metabólicas (basadas en los espectros de potencia derivados de los intervalos de crecimiento) cambiaran con el aumento de la altitud, incluso cuando la masa corporal aumentó significativamente (P>0,02). Nuestro índice del metabolismo de los colibríes (cociente espectral LF/HF) fue consistente con las estimaciones basadas en la conversión alométrica de la masa para los humanos.
Estos resultados respaldan la idea de que los niveles de hemoglobina y el metabolismo de los colibríes son modelos útiles para las estrategias biológicamente adaptativas a la vida en grandes altitudes. Los humanos y los colibríes muestran fenotipos convergentes para la concentración de hemoglobina en altitudes extremas. Sin embargo, mientras que la salud humana se resiente por encima de los 2500 m, los colibríes tienen éxito evolutivo y son fisiológicamente robustos a altitudes muy elevadas. Estos resultados diferentes pueden deberse en parte a la colonización antigua frente a la reciente a gran altitud, pero también pueden reflejar una mayor especialización en altitud de las especies de colibríes, diferencias fundamentales entre los sistemas respiratorios de las aves y los mamíferos, o las muy diferentes demandas de termorregulación en los colibríes frente a los humanos.
Peter O y Iornongo AG
Se seleccionó aleatoriamente una muestra de doscientas setenta (270) mujeres según el parto del Hospital General North-Bank Makurdi, estado de Benue. Los datos se analizaron utilizando la prueba de independencia de Chi-cuadrado (χ2) utilizando SPSS versión 20. El resultado muestra que las multíparas tienen más probabilidades de tener duraciones de parto más cortas, entre 0 y 4 horas, que las mujeres primíparas y ambas tienen la misma probabilidad de tener una duración de parto prolongada en el área del gobierno local de Makurdi del estado de Benue con un 29,6% y un 15,9%, un 8,9% y un 8,9% respectivamente. Las mujeres multíparas tienen más probabilidades de presentarse en la segunda etapa del parto con un total de 30,0% que las mujeres primíparas. La mayoría de las mujeres primíparas con un total de 27,8% tienen más probabilidades de presentarse en la primera etapa del parto. No existe asociación entre la duración del parto y el estatus social de las mujeres en el área del gobierno local de Makurdi del estado de Benue. Sin embargo, la duración del parto está significativamente asociada con la etapa de presentación de la mujer durante el parto, por lo que cuanto mayor sea la paridad, más corta será la duración del parto.
Kalyani CH
Biometrics refers to metrics related to human characteristics. Biometrics is a realistic authentication used as a form of identification and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. Biometric identifiers are then measurable, distinctive characteristics used to label and describe individuals. Biometric authenticators are frequently labeled as behavioral as well as physiological characteristics. Physiological characteristics are related to the shape of the body. By utilizing biometrics a man could be distinguished in view of "who she/he is" instead of "what she/he has" (card, token, scratch) or "what she/he knows" (secret key, PIN).In this paper, the fundamental concentrate is on the different biometrics and their applications.
Weldeyesus Gebreyowhens Berhe
The study was conducted in Erob district eastern zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia to determine the relationship between live weight and linear measurements in Maefur goat population under traditional management system. Data on live body weight, linear body measurement and physical body character were collected from randomly selected 600 (297 male and 303 female goats) and categorized into age group of 04-12, 13-18, 19-24, and 24-35 months equivalent with to 0 PPI, 1 PPI, 2 PPI and 3 ≥ PPI with 82, 87, 134 and 297 animals in each age groups, respectively. The data were analyzed using SPSS software 16.0 version. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were used. Heart girth was highly correlated to body weight (r=0.97, P<0.01) and used to predict live body weight with regression equations of y1.04 x-(43.3 ± 0.83), R²0.93 for pooled sex and age. The multiple regression equation for prediction of the live body weight was y=(0.74 HG+0.16 BL+0.18 HW) - 42.8, R2=0.95 for pooled sex and age. It was concluded that, there is variability in body measurements across sex and age indicated that these measurements could be exploited in predicting live body weight. Heart girth was the major body trait used to predict live body weight.
Nida Tabassum Khan
A portion of youthful females may acknowledge unpredictable dietary patterns because of shameful problems about their body shape or weight, others utilize sustenance to comfort themselves as far as unforgiving conditions in their social or instructive lives. Different components can bring about these issues. This is on the grounds that specific perspectives are solid in one's choice to eat certain foodstuffs. Such solid components incorporate companion weight, family standards, social practices, accessibility of various foodstuffs, and desires.