
Revista de biodiversidad y especies en peligro de extinción

Volumen 10, Asunto 12 (2022)

Mini reseña

A Thorough Quantitative Review of Infectious Diseases of Concern for Peccary Conservation

Li Zhang*

Infectious diseases are becoming more prevalent and widespread over the world, posing a threat to biodiversity. Several vanishing episodes of small populations of white-lipped peccaries have been documented in the Amazon region in recent decades. These population catastrophes are still poorly understood, but current evidence shows that infectious illnesses may have had a role. We conducted a rigorous quantitative literature analysis on infectious illnesses affecting suiform species in the Amazon region, assessing current knowledge and identifying peccary health problems. We discovered that data on the health of free-roaming peccaries in the Amazon region is limited, geographically unequal, and primarily cross-sectional. To solve the logistical issue of working in this field, we advocate collaborating with local populations and employing different participatory sampling approaches. Furthermore, we underline the significance of conducting studies with a greater geographical scope and multidisciplinary approaches, particularly in places where white-lipped peccaries had previously disappeared.

Mini reseña

Animal Cells′ Microbubule Nucleation and Centrosome Structure

Daniel Coutinho*

The cell, as we all know, is the tiniest unit of life. Furthermore, they are frequently referred to as the "building blocks of life" by experts. Whether it's an animal cell or a plant cell, the number of cells in each differs depending on the species. Furthermore, when it comes to animal cells, they are classified as eukaryotic cells, which mean they have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles. A schematic of a generalised animal cell is shown below. The plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes are all essential components of a generalised animal cell. Plasma Membrane- The plasma membrane is in charge of controlling and regulating what enters and exits a cell. A nucleus is made up of the nuclear envelope, chromatin, and the nucleolus. Furthermore, chromatin, which holds the majority of the cell's DNA and condenses down to chromosomes as a cell divides, fills the majority of the nucleus envelope. The private part of an animal cell that is not occupied by an organelle or nucleus is known as cytoplasm. The cytosol is also part of cytoplasm, which permits organelles and biological components to move across the cell as needed.

Mini reseña

An Examination of the Connection between Stoichiometry and Ecosystem Services in Organic Agricultural Systems

Anika Reetsch*

During the following 30 years, a revolutionary no-till organic grain-growing technique called "Fukuoka farming" was developed. Organic farming is linked to numerous other disciplines and bio dynamic farming. According to the findings, organic farming can reduce energy consumption by 30.7% per unit of land by using internal farm inputs and avoiding the energy needed to make synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. This lowers the amount of gasoline needed for transportation. India has a sizable number of organic producers (almost 7 lakh farmers), and they need to be supported with technical knowledge and inputs in addition to marketing infrastructure if they are to become a worldwide leader in the field.

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