
Volumen 9, Asunto 3 (2020)

Nota del editor

Editorial Highlights for Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM)


I am pleased to introduce Industrial Engineering & Management (IEM) deals with the Industrial Design, construction, Management, and application of science and engineering principles to improve the Industrial environment. We have been started in year 2012 Industrial Engineering & Management (ISSN: 2169-0316) is growing continuously. It is our pleasure to announce that during year 2019, all issues of volume 8 were published online on time and the print issues were also brought out and dispatched within 30 days of publishing the issue online.

                All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of CAS Source Index (CASSI), Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Sherpa Romeo, Academic Journals Database, GenamicsJournalSeek, JournalTOCs, CiteFactor, Industrial Journals Library, RefSeek, Hamdard University, EBSCO A-Z, Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals, World Catalogue of Scientific Journals, OCLC- WorldCat, Scholarsteer, SWB online catalog, Virtual Library of Industrial Engineering (vifabio), Publons, Dtufindit, Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

             During the calendar year 2019, Industrial Engineering & Management received a total of 30 papers, out of which 5 articles were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format and peer review process. During 2019 around 16

articles were subjected for publication after they are accepted in the peer review process. In the 4 issues of Volume 8 published during the year 2019, a total of 16 articles were published (at an average of 3 articles per issue of which, articles were published from authors all around the world. A total of 30 research scientists from all over the world reviewed the 16 articles published in volume 8. Average publication period of an article was further reduced to 14-21 days.

              During the calendar year 2019, a total of three Editors, ten Reviewers joined the board of IEM and contributed their valuable services towards contribution as well as publication of articles, and their valuable reviewer comments will beneficial to publish quality of article in the Journal.

              I take this opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Editor-in-chief and Associate Editor during the final editing of articles published and bringing out issues of IEM in time. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, the publisher, language editor, honorary editors, the scientific advisory and the editorial board of IEM, the office bearers for their support in bringing out the new volume (Volume 9) of IEM for the calendar year 2020 and look forward to their unrelenting support further to release more issues for Industrial Engineering & Management IEM in scheduled time

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Automation and Robotics 2018: Motion spy- vibration energy harvesting sensor can track train passengers using machine learning techniques Marzieh Jalal Abadi- Data61, CSIRO, Australia

Jalal Abadi

The present cell phones are outfitted with a scope of implanted sensors. These sensors can be utilized to induce relevant data, for example, area, action, wellbeing, and so forth and in this manner empower a scope of uses. Late exploration has shown that applications with access to information gathered from GPS, accelerometer and even gadget battery profile can precisely follow the area of clients as they move about in urban spaces. As of late, vibration vitality collecting (VEH) has developed as a reasonable choice for cell phones to address the deficiency of current battery innovation. VEH tackles power from human movements and encompassing sources and it could be utilized as a movement sensor. This is because of the way that distinctive surrounding vibrations and human movements produce a one of a kind example of vitality in the VEH circuit. In this paper, we uncover that VEH signal contains rich data and it is conceivable to decisively distinguish the excursion utilizing AI methods. A run of the mill train ride comprises of scenes of nonstop movement scattered with brief stoppages at train stations. Our key theory is that the train tracks between any two continuous stations make a novel vibration trademark that is reflected in the VEH information and we model it utilizing AI methods. At that point, we influence the consecutive idea of an excursion to address the incidental portion misclassifications and at last surmise the whole outing. To show our speculation, we gathered genuine movement information from 4 unmistakable train courses in the Sydney metropolitan region. Our informational collection incorporates movement information from 36 outings. To abuse a thresholding-based division calculation and concentrate the individual portions, we utilize diverse AI classifiers and group classifier accomplishes precision of 60.9% for distinguishing singular sections. At last, we utilize the successive properties of a train trip and accomplish an outing derivation precision of 97.2% for an excursion of 7 stations

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Automation and Robotics 2018: Multi time-series mining for medical, engineering, and smart maintenance purposes in order to figure out critical system statuses Petra Perner- Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Germany

Petra Perner

In numerous applications various time arrangement of estimation boundaries are taken. The point isn't to gauge how the single time arrangement will develop. The point of this investigation was to make sense of when a natural framework, a building framework, or a framework under perception will go into a basic status that requires quickly activity to protect the framework. This assignment requires diverse shrewd perceptions from expectation to dynamic over different time-boundaries. Regularly the estimation information focuses are not equidistant. They are regularly on various time-stretches and they must be brought into a typical time span by sufficient addition strategies. The status of the framework previously and how it will carry on later on will likewise assume a significant job. That doesn't bring it into a solitary point perception but instead into an increasingly intricate thought that requirements to consider the framework status. We will show on various application how such an application can be comprehended. We will audit the best in class of single time-signal forecast. We will show how the framework hypothesis technique must be applied. We exhibit that it is important to consider the framework hypothesis citation to tackle the issue, it doesn't make a difference on the off chance that it is a natural, building, or support object; lastly, we will show on various application how we comprehended the applications with framework hypothesis information mining techniques

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Automation and Robotics 2018: Power steering system body-modeling and analysis of its vibrations subsystems Andrzej Buchacz- Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Andrzej Buchacz

In the Gliwice Research Center, the various issues of various models of vibrating bar frameworks investigated by the basic numbers strategies displayed by methods for the diagrams and hypergraphs have been settled. The discrete - persistent torsionally and deftly vibrating mechanical and mechatronic frameworks were thought of. In contrast with dynamical adaptabilities just for mechanical deftly vibrating pillar, as a piece of complex mechanical and additionally mechatronic frameworks, precise technique and estimated strategies were utilized. In this paper, the hypergraphs techniques have been utilized for demonstrating of mechanical subsystems – vibrating pillars – of essentially mechatronic subsystems of complex mechatronic frameworks. On the base of the got recipes, which were controlled by the specific and estimated strategy, it is conceivable to make the examination of the considered vibrating framework by just surmised technique. Mulling over, other limit states of mechanical or mechatronic frameworks and different sorts of their vibrations, it is important to accomplish different explores audit in this paper. The issues will be introduced in future works, since vital conditions to amalgamation of transverse vibrating mechanical or/and complex mechatronic frameworks must be acquired.

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Automobile Europe 2018: Platform thinking is the future of aftersales business in the automotive industry Joffrey Mabuma Teamwille, Germany

Joffrey Mabuma

The primary objective of this commitment is to present an utilization of the principles of stage thinking to consider gainful items or administrations in aftersales of the car business. Stage thinking can be characterized as the craft of conceptualizing and actualizing comprehensive spots (physical or virtual) where various on-screen characters can collaborate, impart, co-make an offer. An effective stage can pull in stage clients, encourage the communication and trade of data and cultivate co-formation of significant worth. To make an effective stage, it is pivotal to choose which stage clients or target bunches should be united. Potential objective gatherings are vehicle drivers, vehicle sellers, armada administrators and outsiders, for example, vehicle insurance agencies and towing administrations. The test is then to imagine a potential communication between these gatherings which can prompt formation of significant worth for each gathering during a trade of data. We need to characterize which data is appealing to a stage client so as to explicitly address the necessities of another stage client. For example, data about the mileage is a lot to a vehicle insurance agency so as to make an incentive for its own business. At last, the estimating model for utilizing the stage must be very much idea out so as to guarantee gainfulness for the stage proprietor. A couple of choices is charge expenses for each login on the stage or every information bundle moved between clients relying upon the users conduct.

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Automobile Europe 2018: Decision and motion planning at intersection for urban automated driving Koungsu Yi- Seoul National University, South Korea

Koungsu Yi

Computerized vehicles are required to be the maintainable future for safe driving, effective traffic, and decreased vitality utilization. Pretty much every test concerning present day street traffic, for example, gridlock, street fatalities, carbon discharges, and parking spot can be illuminated by keen versatility framework, for example, mechanized vehicle-based vehicle sharing. The greater part of significant automakers have just marketed different propelled driving help frameworks (ADAS) to improve driving security and to diminish driving outstanding burden, and are wanting to popularize Level 3~4 robotized vehicles for individual portability from the time of 2020. Starting at 2018, robotized vehicle-based savvy portability frameworks are worked in a few locales and it is normal that keen versatility administrations with enormous armadas of computerized vehicles will be accessible in 100 urban communities in the year 2025. Albeit still there exist numerous specialized difficulties concerning full robotized driving in urban conditions, there has been quick advancement in the field of computerized vehicles. In this discussion, specialized issues and late improvements for mechanized driving in urban situations will be introduced. A various leveled structure for choice and movement getting ready for self-ruling driving at unsignalized crossing point has been created. In light of genuine street driving information investigation a wise driver-veicle models for cross-first or yield has been created. File factors for target intension deduction at crossing point have been characterized and collaborating various model (IMM) based goal induction plot has been created. An objective inrention derivation based choice and movement arranging has been researched by means of PC recreation and effectively executed on a computerized driving vehicles.
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Automation and Robotics 2018: Advances in machine learning for intrusion detection Jon C Haass- Embry-Riddle University, USA

Jon C Haass


AI strategies show guarantee in decreasing the quantity of system experts required to screen an enormous complex system for malignant or atypical action. This would possibly free people to perform different errands, for example, alleviation, recuperation and investigation of the assault or malware. Today, bogus positives, inborn in any recognition framework, squander valuable assets. To use AI procedures, to improve the two issues; sensor information or factors must be preprocessed in some way to give contribution to the learning framework. Profound neural nets have exhibited accomplishment of computerized reasoning strategies in confined areas, be that as it may, in digital security applications the difficult space is basically unbounded. Further, the enemy looks to thwart location. This introduction will quickly take a gander at procedures and issues that have prompted our present comprehension and arrangements. Remarkable advancement by specialists has improved execution in the previous quite a long while. A few arrangements are being brought to showcase by new businesses spun off from scholastic examination. A survey of two promising methodologies will be trailed by a conversation of a model that recognizes basic factors and tactile contribution to take care of into a learning system. The difficulties looked in this venture and headings for future examination to improve the discovery rate and reaction to changing assault models will finish up the discussion

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