
Revista de biodiversidad y especies en peligro de extinción

The Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Range Land Biodiversity in Ethiopia: Review


Tadele Mosisa and Girma Asefa

Range land is covering the large areas of the earth surface and provides different ecosystem goods and services. Although, range land cannot obtain appropriate conservation and management practice due to this, it’s vulnerable to many problems like land degradation, bush encroachment,overgrazing, land use/land cover change and etc. Land use/land cover change is the main challenges of range land biodiversity and conversation of wide area of range land to crop land and other land use type. The expansion of agricultural activity, increasing population pressure, property rights issues, illegal fire and deforestation are the main drivers of land use/land cover change. Land use change has been influencing on rangeland biodiversity especially, decrease plant and animal diversity, reduce ecosystem service and soil fertility. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to identify the effects of land use/land cover change on range land biodiversity

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