
Revista de Ciencias Biomédicas y Farmacéuticas

Teaching Skills of Emotional Coping Techniques


Akako Kindo

High level training associations are strikingly situated to familiarize up close and personal abilities to adjust to propel flexibility in pre-enrollment clinical specialists to decrease disquiet and addition conviction before they enter clinical plan strangely. In this emotional survey, we will examine the use of a 360-degree video in abilities to make for adjusting. The individuals will be close to home prosperity nursing students. We will encourage a 360-degree video collectively with a close to home health organization client. All individuals will watch the video. A sub-social event will get a consistent clinical oversight discussion inside a psychological reappraisal/game plan focused/VERA structure. We will record the experiences of the part to research: (1) how students had a point of view toward the use of 360-degree video, as a tutoring gadget to build capacities of adaptability; (2) whether the students included felt more certain and less fretful about the situation in the video as a result of participating in the psychological reappraisal/game plan focused/VERA the executives discussion.

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