
Impacts of Air Pollution on Colour Fading and Physical Properties of Wool Yarns Dyed with Some Natural Dyes in Residential Site


Helmy HM, Shakour AA, Kamel MM and Rashed SS

Wool yarns are dyed with natural colouring matter extracted from Cochineal, Turmeric and Madder using exhaustion method. These dyed yarns are pre-mordanted with different types of mordants. Different measurements have been carried out for the dyed wool yarns after exposure to air pollution in residential site (Kalla region) for one year. These measurements values include colour data (K/S, L*, a*, b*, ΔE, hue and chroma) and physical properties (tensile strength, tenacity and elongisity). Also, the present work studied the air pollution in (Kalla region), through determination of the suspended and deposited particulate matter and sulpher dioxide concentrations for different periods of time in one year

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