MA Quraishi, DK Nayak, BN Singh, V Kumar and KK Pandey
In the present study the effect of sodium citrate, calcium nitrate, and hexamine on corrosion of steel was analyzed. The effect of inhibitor on normal consistency of cement, initial and final setting time of cement, compressive strength of cement, soundness of cement and compressive strength of concrete were also analyzed. The results of the study also concluded that hexamine and calcium nitrite are more efficient inhibitor. It showed 45% and 25% inhibitor efficiency at the denseness of 0.5% hexamine and 0.5% calcium nitrite by weight of cement respectively. Further, sodium citrate also prevents the hydration of cement, but it is not suitable as an inhibitor. The addition of Inhibitor acts as retarder for the initial and final setting period of the cement and retard the compressive strength at initial days. After 180 days strength is improved significantly.
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