
Determination and Demarcation of Suitable Watershed Area for Artificial Recharge and Rainwater Harvesting


Kumar J, Katre P, Sinha J

The scope for installation of large and medium irrigation projects is limited due to lack of availability of proper sites, paucity of funds, equity issues and other social factors in many regions of the country. Therefore, the installation of ‘determination and demarcation of suitable through watershed area for artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting’ for ground water recharge and water harvesting has a great potential in the times to come and the objectives like harvesting every drop of rainwater for purposes of irrigation to create sustainable sources of income for the village community as well as for drinking water supplies. The study of project area i.e., Patan Block, Gundrdehi and Durg block their rainfall, temperature, humidity and also the recommended for artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting with harvesting structures. With the results of the project i.e., the changes in crop production, ground water level and human community improvement is positively. The essential and overall view of the project to development of ground water level, production of crop and also reduced in soil erosion and also the concluded. The best way to manage rain water is to conserve, store and use it right in the field where it is received. Excess water can be stored in small farm reservoirs. Field experience in this regard has clearly demonstrated that it is possible to almost double the cropping intensity and crop production by storing e xcess rain water in a small reservoir which can save paddy crop from intermittent droughts, allow fish culture during rainy season and help in establishing and or giving lifesaving irrigation to the second crop in post rainy season on deep soils. Harvesting every drop of rain water for purposes of irrigation, plantations including horticulture and floriculture, pasture development, fisheries etc. to create sustainable sources of income for the village community as well as for drinking water supplies. Identify rainfall pattern and distribution with the subsequent drainage system in the prevalent area. To prevent run-off of rain water. To develop methods to increase water retention, conservation and prevent soil loss. Improvise methods to augment water recharging of the land and soil. To encourage restoration of ecobiological balance in the region. To minimize the drought effect by means of soil and water conservation and augmentation of water recharging. To promote economic development of the village communities in the region. Special emphasis to improve the economic and social condition of the poor and disadvantaged sections in the area. To increase the level of ground water table in the area. To reduce run-off velocity in the area in order to check the erosion of fertile upper crust of earth. To improve the water infiltration rate. To control the problem of soil erosion. To control flooding in the agricultural fields.

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