
Revista de química analítica ambiental

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Kulufo River, Arbaminch, Gamo Gofa, Ethiopia


Tsade HK

Heavy metals are common pollutants in River mainly due to traffic emissions to it. The present project work was focused to study Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb concentrations in Kulufo River, Arba Minch, Gamo Gofa. In the present work, the water sample was collected from Kulufo River randomly and analyzed for the concentrations of Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb. The concentrations of Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb were analyzed with the help of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The levels of Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb in the studied River water ranges from (0.420-520, 0.012-0.023, 0.106-0.201 and 0.050-0.108) mg L-1 respectively. From these concentrations, all the concentration obtained for Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb were greater than the concentration reported by World Health Organization (WHO). This shows that the presence of Mn, Cr, Cd and Pb in the study area has a significant influence to health. Especially, Pb, and Cd exhibited high significance toxicity effect even at lower concentration.

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