
Revista Internacional de Neurorrehabilitación

Antigravity Treadmill for Rehabilitation of Stroke Survivors


Moreno-Lozano Mayra Carmina

Stroke is a disabling global health-care problem, and rehabilitation is a major part of patient care. By 4 years after the event, more than 30% of stroke survivors report participation restrictions. Up to 70% of patients present fall during the first 6 months, the reason may be due to impairments in balance, gait, motor control, perception and vision contribute to an increment in fear of falling. This can lead to reduced levels of activity and loss of independence. Some of the affected areas include the balance, because of alteration of sensory and motor networks; this contributes to difficulty in activity daily living (ADLs). This is the reason of balance training must be performed. Another sequelae are loss or difficulty with ambulation, and restoration of gait is one of the primary goals in rehabilitation; limitation in gait is another factor that contributes to an increase in fall risk. Recurrence of stroke has been found to vary by sex: 24% of women and 42% of men experience a recurrence within 5 years of onset.

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